Revision is my arch-nemesis, and also essential to achieving professional quality–apparently. Fine, fine. It’s true. None of my first drafts are publishable. Some come close to being good, and possess raw energy that the following drafts lack, but that worked in my favor much more when writing fan fiction than it does for original. And,
Writing Process
How to Use Scrivener for Worldbuilding
How to use Scrivener for worldbuilding–and a lot of other things, incidentally–is the first in a line of what I’ll call “The Basics.” Generally, what I’m interested in writing about is a bit farther down the line of writing craft, but if somebody new to writing visits my blog, I want to have articles to
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National Novel Writing Month
Nanowrimo for the Anxious: 5 Ways to Write Around Family
There must be a sizeable chunk of text devoted to writing around family interference in No Plot? No Problem!–and if not, you’ll find it in other books. Also on other blogs, like posts about maintaining creative routines during the holidays over at The Writing Life. I really like her suggestions, because they emphasize flexibility and address
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National Novel Writing Month
Nanowrimo for the Anxious: Planning the Process
I’m new here (hi!) and so is this blog. National Novel Writing Month is coming up fast. For various reasons, I want to join the insanity. I’ve been writing original and fan fiction for years, sometimes even in public, and I’ve done Nanowrimo several times, not always successfully. But Nanowrimo doesn’t free me like it’s